"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Ps. 25:4-5



...Lover! I sure do love my moma and couldn't pass up the opportunity to write a little blurb about her and the other amazing women in my life! I must admit that I've not always had a very close relationship with Moma, but what teenage girl does? Now that I'm older, teach children, and have children, I have a new found respect for my mom. She has never said to us, "One day you'll understand-when you have children of your own." I'm pretty sure she thought it many times, though. I do understand, Moma, the love you have for me and Madz. I'm beginning to understand the hurt you felt when we hurt, and I'm sure I'll understand sooner than later that it really does "hurt you more than me" when correcting or disciplining your children. For all of that, I am extremely thankful. Thank you for loving me when it seemed like I didn't love you. Thank you for sacrificing yourself in order to provide things for me and Madz as we grew up. Thank you for teaching me self control, respect for others, and respect for myself. Thank you for taking things away from me as a form of discipline, and thank you for sticking to your guns in that discipline. Most of all, thank you for raising us in church!!!

You see, my mom and I (and Madz) talk to each other DAILY! Yes, daily. Even if it is just to call and say "I love you", we talk every day. One night this week, Moma and I were talking (as I was cleaning under my washing machine), and somehow we got on the subject of prayer. What a powerful subject to talk to your mom about!! We both confessed to each other that we have thought for a long time that your prayers have to use big words and be very eloquent. Over the years and through certain circumstances in our lives, we've learned that you don't even have to have your eyes closed when talking to Jesus! At least, we better not have our eyes closed when talking to Jesus while driving down the road!! That's a far cry from what we previously thought about prayer.  We also revealed to each other how we knew Jesus always answered prayers, but we have never experienced it so personally until just recently. I told her of a very recent experience I had with a prayer being answered. I was returning from a trip to Tuscaloosa a few weeks ago when Hayden had begun to cry with about 15 miles to go. No wait! Not cry- SCREAM! She was hungry and tired of being in the car. I had sung every hymn that I could think of until she'd had enough and continued to scream through my singing. I did the only other thing I knew to do. I called Daniel and asked him to go in the girls' room, kneel beside Hayden's bed and "pray me home". He never hesitated. Five minutes after I hung up the phone, SILENCE! Thank you Lord!!!

During our times of "trying", Daniel and I had some dark days for sure, but we never lost hope because God's word says He has plans for us to prosper. Why would He say that if He didn't mean it? He wouldn't! So, how did we get through those dark days you ask? PRAYER!!! I can remember (prepare to laugh out loud) days when Satan was after me, and I'd do what I call a Jesus dance in the privacy of my home. The dance basically consisted of me kicking Satan out of my life. I'm sorry, but Jesus is here and there ain't no room for you, Satan!!! None at all. When Daniel and I would feel ourselves losing our grip on faith, we'd get on our knees before God asking Him to continue provide strength and patience. Time after time, He'd do just that! We'd also thank Him for answering our prayers- even the ones we had not yet voiced. So, you see, prayer is awesome!!!! I must give the credit to my amazing parents for being fearless and raising me in church. I also must thank the other women who continue to encourage us through life's roller coaster. We would not be where we are today without great Sunday School teachers and mentors. Thank you all so much for "praying us through".

Happy Mother's Day, Moma! Happy Mother's Day, Madz! This new mom loves you both very much!!!



This will be a pretty silly post, but I really do love trash day. I can't stand clutter. In fact, it makes me anxious. So I throw away things away a lot! I have been known to throw away a birthday check once. Sorry Oma! Thank goodness she loves me enough to write another one. She also loves me enough to write a sweet note that says "Don't throw this one away." Love that Oma!!! Anyway, back to why I really love trash day. It allows me the chance to throw away things that are cluttering up my house and I don't have to ask permission. If Daniel knew all of the things I threw away, I'd probably be in trouble. So, shhhh! Our little secret. Happy "trashy hump" day.