"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Ps. 25:4-5


Peace, Love, and Softball...a little Christening too!

One afternoon about two weeks ago the 3rd grade teachers were setting up for their annual "Greek Day" when one of the sweet 3rd graders who had been helping with the set up came into my classroom to "order" her birthday cake. She proceeded to tell me in a very adult like voice that she wanted three different cakes- 1 chocolate peace sign cake, 1 strawberry heart cake, and 1 yellow softball cake with red stitching. I asked her to tell her mom to come talk to me just to confirm that a birthday party was really in the works and that they wanted me to do the cakes. It was confirmed- three different cakes just like the little girl described. That's exactly what I did! After baking and icing these funky cakes, I finished up a Christening cake for a dear friend of mine since all four of her children were being baptised today. Their cake was a surprise to them and I was very honored to do it (even though it cracked down the middle when I delivered it). She just asked for a cross cake that was vanilla almond with almond buttercream icing. She also wanted the lace on top with flowers on the cake too. This is what I did for her.

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