"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Ps. 25:4-5


Labor Day fun!

Last weekend, Daniel and I traveled "home" to Meridian to spend some quality time with our family over the three day weekend. The plan was for us to hang out with my folks Friday night and then join Daniel's folks for some post wedding festivities. As many of you know, Daniel's brother, David, met the love of his life several years ago and popped the question this past New Year's Eve! After much planning, the happy couple decided to head on down to Jamaica for a destination wedding just the two of them. (This makes me want to sing..."Just the Two of Us"). While they were down there getting hitched, they had a wedding DVD made which was our after dinner entertainment Saturday night. Every detail was perfect including reciting their own wedding vows to one another as well as the exchanging of rings.
Oh and they didn't even leave out the part when the preacher announced them as "Mr. and Mrs. DANIEL Culpepper"!!! I laughed until I cried. You see this happened to us during our wedding except the roles were reversed and we were announced as "Mr. and Mrs. DAVID Culpepper". Daniel and David grew up in the church where we were married four years ago and the preacher knew them well. It was just a mispronounciation boo boo. :) Kind of like when your mom calls you by your sister's name because she's in a hurry to get your attention and forgets who you are for a split second. It always makes us silently ask, "Don't they know who I am?", but then laugh about it in the end.
All of that happened Friday and Saturday night. Then Sunday, all day, we went to moma and daddy's deer camp. They've been wanting us to go out there for a while to see where they hunt and, more importantly, eat a cheeseburger at the truckstop that is real close to the deer camp. I love outdoors and nature and always have. So, I snapped away while everyone laughed at me for taking pictures of the "fancy" restrooms, the hay bales, and lots of other cool stuff. Here are a few cool pictures I came home with from our fun time with the parents! By the way, if someone can tell me what kind of flower this is in one of my pictures, I'd appreciate it.

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